Agriculture has come to a crossroads in how food and fibre will be produced in future. The protection of natural resources and the implementation of sustainable production practices have become a global concern. Forming a key part of our agricultural development division, which focuses on agricultural counselling and agricultural economics in support of sustainable grain and cattle livestock production, our young, innovative team of agricultural specialists have made it their mandate to find and develop practical solutions to mitigate the risks associated with this ever-changing agricultural landscape.
Our agronomists are based in Bredasdorp, Caledon, Moorreesburg and in the dairy producing regions of the Eastern Cape. As a team, they believe that the change in future agricultural production systems will be driven by consumer preferences and international policy, changing the way that we do farming today. From September, we’re going to be introducing some projects that our team have been working on over the past few months.
To begin, let’s introduce you to each of them.

Casper Nell
Casper Nell and Ruben Badenhorst are responsible for looking after Overberg’s clientele in the Southern Cape, from Bot Rivier to Ouplaas. Casper is a certified agricultural economist with an MSc Agric in agricultural economics. Based in Bredasdorp, Casper handles all enquiries regarding agricultural economics, while Ruben, a livestock and crop expert with an MSc Agric in animal production, handles all enquiries and advice regarding crop and livestock production from his office in Caledon.

Ruben Badenhorst
Janco Cloete is an agricultural economist with a B Agric Hons in agricultural economics and management. Janco is based in Moorreesburg and handles all enquiries and advice regarding agricultural economics and crop production in the Swartland region, including Moorreesburg, Berg River, Moravia and Leliedam.

Janco Cloete
Leon Jansen van Vuuren is a livestock and grazing expert with a B Agric in animal production. Leon works closely with dairy farmers and gives advice relating to the production and utilisation of grazing crops in the Eastern Cape.

Leon Jansen van Vuuren
At Overberg Agri, we believe that advice from trained and experienced experts plays a vital role in agricultural production. The diversity of the team forms the core of their holistic approach – aiming to improve the production efficiency and overall productivity of their clients. They understand the complexity of the whole agricultural system and strive to adhere to the three pillars of sustainability, to help the client manage their natural, economic as well as social responsibility.
We can’t wait to share some of the projects that our team have been working on.